Principles of Management (POM) Notes

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We're including all the major points related to POM such as planning, controlling, directing, organizing, and etc. So you'll find each and every important detail about all this topics in brief.

We're also including e-book for POM (Principal of management by Steven & Charles ).

Here is the download link : Click Here To Download

Management is essential to any organization that wishes to be efficient and achieve its aims. Without someone in a position of authority there would be organizational anarchy with no structure and very little, if any focus. It has been said that management has four basic functions – planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Common sense dictates that without these principles of management being in place an organization would have trouble achieving its aims, or even coming up with aims in the first place.

The word manage comes from the Italian word Maneggiare - means to handle (Handle the problem with the help of some tools); which is turn derives from the Latin Manus-means Hand.

The French word mesnagement influenced the development, become management in the last of 17th century and the beginning of 18th century.

The concept of organization and administration is old as human civilization but systematic study of management which started close to 19th century; the contributions in the field of management came from variety of sources.

In the Egypt- 1300, B.C. Confucius’s Parable gave suggestion for proper public      administration to industry to select capable, honest and unselfish human power.

Kautilya has included principle of state administration in 320B.C. Roman Catholic Church. He introduced the concept of staff personal in church administration.

In the beginning of 20th century, Frederick Winslow Taylor, M.E., D. Sc., join industry as a Mechanical Engineer and introduce the Concept of Scientific Management in USA.Scientific Management was concerned to improving the operational efficiency at the shop-floor level.

We will publish new post within few-days about ECONOMICS IN MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING (EMDM) Notes with the downloadable link.

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